surui electronic equipment (beijing) co., ltd. is an environmental reliability testing equipment manufacturer and supplier. it mainly engages in the production, sales and after-sales repair of salt spray test chambers, high and low temperature cycles, high and low temperature alternating humidity, constant temperature and humidity, temperature impact, rapid temperature change, ozone aging, walk-in environment, xenon lamp weather resistance, ultraviolet light weather resistance, high temperature aging room and other production and sales, and can customize solutions, and its business involves beijing, tianjin, shanghai, shijiazhuang, chengdu, wuhan, jinan, zhejiang and other places. EBM风机、施乐百风机、变频器、软启动器、楼宇自控、温控器、执行器、阀门、冷冻式干燥机、吸复式干燥机、各种精密过滤器及耗材滤芯等等,如果需要找厂家,或咨询价格,请联系我们上海菁园科技有限公司,我将给予有竞争力的报价! 管理咨询 2025-03-16
石嘴山领晶科技有限公司(shanghai rongjun experimental instrument co., ltd. mainly deals in: three comprehensive test chambers, explosion-proof high-temperature boxes, walk-in test chambers, high-temperature aging rooms and other equipment. it is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise engaged in the research and development, production and sales of environmental test equipment. )high and low temperature test chamber since its establishment in 2008, guangdong kesheng instrument equipment co., ltd. has been focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of personalized services such as environmental and reliability tests and standard and non-standard customized products. it is committed to providing customers with environmental and reliability test equipment products and solutions with leading design, safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and reliable quality. its main products currently include high and low temperature test chambers, constant temperature and humidity test chambers, environmental test chambers, low air pressure test chambers, high and low temperature impact chambers, hot and cold impact chambers, fast temperature change chambers, high and temperature aging chambers and other environmental test equipment. products have been widely used in scientific research institutions, electronics and electrical appliances, aerospace, chips, new energy, ships, postal and telecommunications, automobiles and other enterprises and institutions, and provide 2025-03-16
it is a professional company specializing in the production of test instruments and equipment such as energy-saving and high-temperature aging rooms, instrumentation and high-temperature aging rooms, inverter and high-temperature aging rooms, and has complete technology, tooling, testing and quality management systems. we look forward to establishing long-term cooperative relationships with all friends. environmental test kit 2025-03-15
深圳市劲豹机电设备有限是一家纯洁的气体设备实力厂家,公司主营生产产品 ---高纯度模组制氮机--- walk-in environmental test chamber-high and low temperature cycle-fast temperature change-temperature impact-uv light weather resistance-xenon lamp weather resistance test chamber-suri electronics PSA变压吸附,成熟工艺,质量可靠。 ---无油涡旋空压机--- 产品达到0CLASS无油级别,低噪音,低振动,环保节能,气压稳定,洁净气源系统,首选深圳劲豹! ---永磁变频螺杆空压机--- 产品采用高效永磁变频电机,恒压自动调整功率,劲豹永磁变频螺杆空压机,平均节能30%以上! ---零气损自动排水器--- 产品采用精密的机械配合,实现零气损节能排水,产品获得多项国家专利认证。,联系人:蒋先生,联系电话:13713930756 电影视频 2025-03-14
aging room-huai'an pureda testing equipment co., ltd. official website 电影视频 2025-03-11
安徽泰能同创机械设备经营:高温风冷型冷冻式干燥机,高温风冷型冷冻式干燥机(hot and cold impact test chamber ),环保型冷冻式干燥机,敞开式风冷型冷冻式干燥机,水冷型冷冻式干燥机常温风冷型冷冻式干燥机。电话:198-1067-0288 电影视频 2025-03-11
北京京康普机械设备有限公司主营玻璃机械配件;北京京康普机械设备有限公司,从事行业:机械配件及工具//玻璃机械配件,经营模式:服务型+代理经销商,办公地点:北京北京朝阳区,电话:86-010-85845149,联系人:何芳,北京京康普机械设备有限公司是一家从事螺杆空气压缩机销售、维修、改装为一体的有经验技术服务公司。公司经营冷冻式干燥机、吸咐式干燥机、储气罐、空气压缩机及后处理设备的配件耗材等。公司引进全套德国先进设备及 since its establishment in 2008, guangdong kesheng instrument equipment co., ltd. has been focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of personalized services such as environmental and reliability tests and standard and non-standard customized products. it is committed to providing customers with environmental and reliability test equipment products and solutions with leading design, safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and reliable quality. its main products currently include high and low temperature test chambers, constant temperature and humidity test chambers, environmental test chambers, low air pressure test chambers, high and low temperature impact chambers, hot and cold impact chambers, fast temperature change chambers, high and temperature aging chambers and other environmental test equipment. products have been widely used in scientific research institutions, electronics and electrical appliances, aerospace, chips, new energy, ships, postal and telecommunications, automobiles and other enterprises and institutions, and provide 2025-03-09
professional production of constant temperature and humidity test chambers, fast temperature change test chambers, high and low temperature test chambers, high and low temperature boxes, constant temperature boxes, hot and cold impact test chambers, fast temperature change test chambers, high-step constant temperature and humidity test chambers, high temperature aging rooms and other environmental testing equipment IFC、冷冻式干燥机、制氮制氧系统、精密过滤器、空分设备、 科技创新 2025-03-08
「凌宇机械」冷冻式干燥机,吸附式干燥机厂家供应防爆、不锈钢、高中低压压缩空气冷干机;低露点、鼓风热、压缩热,零气耗吸干机,并提供完善的售后服务确保客户设备的良好运行. since its establishment in 2008, guangdong kesheng instrument equipment co., ltd. has been focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of personalized services such as environmental and reliability tests and standard and non-standard customized products. it is committed to providing customers with environmental and reliability test equipment products and solutions with leading design, safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and reliable quality. its main products currently include high and low temperature test chambers, constant temperature and humidity test chambers, environmental test chambers, low air pressure test chambers, high and low temperature impact chambers, hot and cold impact chambers, fast temperature change chambers, high and temperature aging chambers and other environmental test equipment. products have been widely used in scientific research institutions, electronics and electrical appliances, aerospace, chips, new energy, ships, postal and telecommunications, automobiles and other enterprises and institutions, and provide 2025-03-07
江西英盛达机电设备工程有限公司●服务电话:0791-86801986●gloss expansion powder Atlas walk-in constant temperature and humidity laboratory since its establishment in 2008, guangdong kesheng instrument equipment co., ltd. has been focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of personalized services such as environmental and reliability tests and standard and non-standard customized products. it is committed to providing customers with environmental and reliability test equipment products and solutions with leading design, safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and reliable quality. its main products currently include high and low temperature test chambers, constant temperature and humidity test chambers, environmental test chambers, low air pressure test chambers, high and low temperature impact chambers, hot and cold impact chambers, fast temperature change chambers, high and temperature aging chambers and other environmental test equipment. products have been widely used in scientific research institutions, electronics and electrical appliances, aerospace, chips, new energy, ships, postal and telecommunications, automobiles and other enterprises and institutions, and provide 2025-03-07
河南空气压缩机哪家好-河南捷豹空压机械设备公司连续十多年销售捷豹空压机系列产品,主营捷豹螺杆式空气压缩机、变频空气压缩机、活塞式空气压缩机、冷冻式干燥机、吸附式干燥机,空压机销售安装保养维修的服务机构,致力于为用户供应压缩空气系统及工程机械施工指导的解决方案、工程设计、设备配套、压力管道安装等服务。详情请致电. 设计美化 2025-03-06
贵州迈通机电设备有限公司专业从事贵州空压机,空压机维修保养,螺杆式空气压缩机变频式螺杆空压机及冷冻式干燥机、空气过滤器、储气罐等。欢迎来电咨询!联系电话:0851-84130468 管理咨询 2025-03-05
环保快速建站系统首页 电影视频 2025-03-03
high and low temperature hot and cold impact test chamber since its establishment in 2008, guangdong kesheng instrument equipment co., ltd. has been focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of personalized services such as environmental and reliability tests and standard and non-standard customized products. it is committed to providing customers with environmental and reliability test equipment products and solutions with leading design, safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and reliable quality. its main products currently include high and low temperature test chambers, constant temperature and humidity test chambers, environmental test chambers, low air pressure test chambers, high and low temperature impact chambers, hot and cold impact chambers, fast temperature change chambers, high and temperature aging chambers and other environmental test equipment. products have been widely used in scientific research institutions, electronics and electrical appliances, aerospace, chips, new energy, ships, postal and telecommunications, automobiles and other enterprises and institutions, and provide 2025-02-28
连云港海豹机电设备有限公司是一家专业生产、销售、维修、服务综合性公司.主要经营:螺杆空气压缩机、冷冻式干燥机、过滤器及后处理系统,以及周边城市各大品牌空压机设备维修保养,并提供技术支持。 since its establishment in 2008, guangdong kesheng instrument equipment co., ltd. has been focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of personalized services such as environmental and reliability tests and standard and non-standard customized products. it is committed to providing customers with environmental and reliability test equipment products and solutions with leading design, safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and reliable quality. its main products currently include high and low temperature test chambers, constant temperature and humidity test chambers, environmental test chambers, low air pressure test chambers, high and low temperature impact chambers, hot and cold impact chambers, fast temperature change chambers, high and temperature aging chambers and other environmental test equipment. products have been widely used in scientific research institutions, electronics and electrical appliances, aerospace, chips, new energy, ships, postal and telecommunications, automobiles and other enterprises and institutions, and provide 2025-02-25
深圳市华洋机械设备有限公司成立于2017年,是一家深圳信誉良好、价格合理空压机服务中心。代理销售螺杆式空压机、活塞式空压机、空压机储气罐、冷冻式干燥机、精密过滤器、空压机配件及耗材及空压机维修保养服务。优质的产品、快速专业的服务、合理的价格;让您买的安心,用的放心。如有任何问题请联系我们,我们会给您满意的答复。 since its establishment in 2008, guangdong kesheng instrument equipment co., ltd. has been focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of personalized services such as environmental and reliability tests and standard and non-standard customized products. it is committed to providing customers with environmental and reliability test equipment products and solutions with leading design, safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and reliable quality. its main products currently include high and low temperature test chambers, constant temperature and humidity test chambers, environmental test chambers, low air pressure test chambers, high and low temperature impact chambers, hot and cold impact chambers, fast temperature change chambers, high and temperature aging chambers and other environmental test equipment. products have been widely used in scientific research institutions, electronics and electrical appliances, aerospace, chips, new energy, ships, postal and telecommunications, automobiles and other enterprises and institutions, and provide 2025-02-25
聚才空气压缩机是聚才实业(corporate brand )有限公司旗下品牌,主要生产聚才空压机,变频螺杆空压机,双螺杆空压机,活塞式空压机,激光切割一体式空压机,冷冻式干燥机,涡旋式空压机,真空泵,以及相关配套设备,提供空气压缩系统整套解决方案,欢迎您电话了解咨询! 管理咨询 2025-02-24
superstar box; 科技创新 2025-02-22
management; expert management; expert progress management; expert 编程开发 2025-02-22
专业经营空气压缩机配件、空气压缩机设备、冷冻式干燥机、吸附式干燥机、管道过滤器、储气罐、压缩空气系统改造工程等空气压缩系统相关设备,及提供售前、售中、售后技术服务,配件产品型号齐全,货源充足。 since its establishment in 2008, guangdong kesheng instrument equipment co., ltd. has been focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of personalized services such as environmental and reliability tests and standard and non-standard customized products. it is committed to providing customers with environmental and reliability test equipment products and solutions with leading design, safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and reliable quality. its main products currently include high and low temperature test chambers, constant temperature and humidity test chambers, environmental test chambers, low air pressure test chambers, high and low temperature impact chambers, hot and cold impact chambers, fast temperature change chambers, high and temperature aging chambers and other environmental test equipment. products have been widely used in scientific research institutions, electronics and electrical appliances, aerospace, chips, new energy, ships, postal and telecommunications, automobiles and other enterprises and institutions, and provide 2025-02-21
广东汉瑞斯压缩机制造有限公司_专注节能空压机智造商,主营:螺杆空压机,冷冻式干燥机,吸附式干燥机,精密过滤器,空压机等,可量身定制空压机系统整体解决方案!热线:400-830-6698. ningbo aidesheng instrument co., ltd. 2025-02-21
北京智达新元科技有限公司提供各种空气压缩机(螺杆空压机、涡旋空压机、离心式压缩机)、压力容器(申江储气罐、不锈钢储气罐、压力罐、气压罐)、干燥净化设备(冷冻式干燥机、吸附式干燥机、精密过滤器)、空分设备(制氧机、制氮机)、流体设备以及相关备品配件。欢迎新老用户光临惠顾! 科技创新 2025-02-20
深圳市宝安西乡捷豹永磁变频螺杆机-JAGUAR,专营台湾捷豹牌永磁变频螺杆机、台湾捷豹牌永磁变频二级压缩螺杆机、台湾捷豹牌真空泵、台湾捷豹牌冷冻式干燥机、台湾捷豹牌吸附式干燥机,以及捷豹牌原厂螺杆式空压机保养耗材等…… 电影视频 2025-02-19
guangdong kesheng instrument equipment co., ltd. was established in 2008 and focuses on the manufacturing and research and development of reliability environmental testing equipment and personalized services such as standard and non-standard customization. we are committed to providing customers with product and solutions for reliability testing equipment with leading design, safety, environmental protection, energy saving and quality. our main products are high and low temperature test chambers, constant temperature and humidity test chambers, environmental test chambers, low air pressure test chambers, high and low temperature impact chambers, hot and cold impact chambers, fast temperature change chambers, walk-in environmental simulation laboratory, high temperature aging room and other test equipment.
constant temperature and humidity test chamber-high and low temperature test chamber manufacturer-walking in aging room-shenzhen aix electronic instrument equipment co., ltd. since its establishment in 2008, guangdong kesheng instrument equipment co., ltd. has been focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of personalized services such as environmental and reliability tests and standard and non-standard customized products. it is committed to providing customers with environmental and reliability test equipment products and solutions with leading design, safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and reliable quality. its main products currently include high and low temperature test chambers, constant temperature and humidity test chambers, environmental test chambers, low air pressure test chambers, high and low temperature impact chambers, hot and cold impact chambers, fast temperature change chambers, high and temperature aging chambers and other environmental test equipment. products have been widely used in scientific research institutions, electronics and electrical appliances, aerospace, chips, new energy, ships, postal and telecommunications, automobiles and other enterprises and institutions, and provide 2025-02-17
high temperature aging room VPSA high and low temperature impact box 电影视频 2025-02-17
陕西成林机电设备工程有限公司-阿特拉斯集团美国昆西压缩机凭借专业的压缩空气动力系统的规划、销售、安装、维护服务,专业提供空气压缩机系统的销售及技术咨询服务,空分设备配套与配件,压缩空气后处理成套设备及空气压缩技术的开发,空压机维护及咨询服务。 编程开发 2025-02-15
自动加料机(全自动吸料机,真空上料机),塑料烘干机(料斗式干燥机,塑料干燥机),螺旋上料机(传动上料机),混和干燥机(搅拌式干燥机),除湿干燥机(微热冷冻式干燥机),强力破碎机(塑料破碎机),混色机(立式混色机,卧式混色机,滚筒式混色机),振动筛(震动筛) 电影视频 2025-02-13